Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Jika kau mencoba tersenyum dan sembunyikan sedihmu, itu tak akan mungkin membohongi orang yang terlalu care padamu, yang tak butuh 'kata' tuk tahu :)

Jumat, 06 April 2012

happy birthday yulin!!!!

happy birthday yulin, you're my bestfriend. semoga yulin tambah pinter, diberi kesehatan selalu :) makin baik, makin segalanya :) makasih yulin udah sebangku terus sama saya dari kls 7, hehe. makasih udah jadi sahabat yang baik, yang pinter. bisa ngasih motivasi kaya muti. ^^
note: edit fotonya belum jadi win, ntar ya^^

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

mini booklet

"Terus Belajar, terus naik...
karena belajar seperti harta karun yang selalu mengikuti pemiliknya"

"sekelam apapun yang kau lewati, pasti ada harapan baru. JANGAN PERAH MENYERAH!!!"

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

My experience in "kampung inggris Pare" east java :D

One weeks ago, I and all my friend came to Pare, East Java. in there, we studied english everyday. we started english at 05.30 pm and finished at 4.00 am. we are very happy in there, but we sometimes tired because we must join the program together. we took a rest at 11.00 pm-02.00 am. everyday we got up at 03.55 pm. we took a bath at 4.30. after that, we would pray subuh together, and we prepare for join program "vocabulary". at 05.30, we started the program. we always memorize the vocab. and sometimes we came to the different english course, went to pare village. but, we don't went to rice field. at 07.30, we finished vocabulary program and we ate breakfast together. we sometimes ate specific food of east java, like rawon. the specific food of east java is very delicious. initially, i dont feel at home, but over time i feel at home. In there we must be independent. we dont be spoiled. after breakfast, at 09.00 we preaper the program again. we would studied grammar. we finished grammar program at 10.00pm. last this program, we join the speaking program until 11.00 pm. then, we took a rest again at 11.00pm-02.00 am. Fill the rest, we always did homework, rode bicycle to the ricefield, and bought the souvenir. and sometimes we slept. at 02.00 am we join the pronounciation class until 4.00 am. We are very happy because we got a new vocab, a new frieds, and a new teachers. at 06.00 we pray magrib together. then, we join the evenng class. in the evening class, we studied "speech". after that, at 07.00 am we had a dinner.
saturday, 21 january 2012, we had a final test. the material of the test is grammar, vocabulary, pronuounciation and speaking. there's all our daily activites in one week. Good bye pare, this is the nice trip of mine.

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011


alhamdulillah ya Allah, akhirnya SPENMA ACTIONnya selesai, penutupan juga udah selesai kemaren. rasanya capek sekali, badan pegel-pegel. banyangin aja, berangkat dari rumah jam 05.45 terus selesai acara jam 17.30 habis itu beres-beres. sampai di rumah jam 18.30. lama banget ya... ya beginilah resiko masuk organisasi. capek, tapi seneng bisa kenal banyak orang. bisa kenal temen-temen beda kelas, kenal adik kelas juga kakak kelas. pokoknya, kemaren the best banget deh buat perjuangan anak-anak OSIS SPENMA, padahal mempersiapkannya mendadak banget, dari sebulan yang lalu. tapi sebulan yang lalu juga baru bikin proposal. makasih banget buat AXIS, buat Second Civil, buat peserta lomba basket SMP & Modern Dance SD, makasih juga buat Kepsek (bpk. Karnadi,S.pd,M.Hum.) Ibu wakasek(ibu ekowati, ibu alin) pembina OSIS (bpk. bagus indarto,S.pd) dan guru-guru yang lain, terutama buat sahabat saya Yulin & Hasna (muti) yang udah ngasih support kalau saya mengeluh, jujur saya sering ngeluh selama ini, kalau capek banget kadang nangis, hehehe malah curhat. Makasih juga buat anak-anak SMPN 5 crb yang udah masuk beli karcis penutupan spenma action & pensi, hehehe.